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·Qingcheng Mountain  ·Halamaodu tiny town, Jilin  ·Art Capital: New York, USA  ·Modern ports of images for the Sixtieth Anniversary of People's Republic of China to celebration  ·Lotus style: growth in the sludge but very clean  ·Still life appreciate of photography  ·Jinan, Shandong provincial capital  ·Types of facial makeup in Chinese Operas  ·Yanji City landscape, Jilin Province  ·Yanqing Guyaju site of Beijing: tousand years of human Cave in China  ·Bashang Grassland in spring  ·solidified the moment: the history of the old photographs about China  ·Shushan Area Jinggang Town, Hefen  ·Xinmi City Scenery  ·Beating between light and shadow of the wizard: Chinese Shadow Art  
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